UFO - Will the Yellowstone National Park Super Volcano Blow?
Xrytspet decided that I God spending too much time at Sea Monkeys computer keyboard and whisked me off to the Inchkonval Universe Olympics in her modified FnL7 Time Craft, the FnL9.
Hack Writer: I was right in the middle of an article which would have cured all the economic ills of the world.
Xrytspet said flashing her yellow eyes: You know as much about economics as McCain and Graham.
Hack Writer: Those are hard words in this country. We are not allowed to vote for Democrats in Idaho.
Xrytspet: McCain wants to remove the Federal gasoline tax. How long do you think that would keep the gasoline price down?
Hack Writer: I would predict with that room for the oil companies to increase prices, about three weeks at the most. It would be a hole in the dike for another fuel-cost eruption.
Xrytspet: Speaking of dikes, it probably won't matter anyway. How often does that super volcano blow in Yellowstone Park? Maybe you could get some free energy from that.
Hack Writer: It blows about every six hundred thousand years according to the good professor at the University of Utah. Why?
Xrytspet: If it blows, what will happen to North America?
Hack Writer: It will be buried in dust. Another ice age.
A chill went up my spine. I said, "Will God be at those Olympics? It's about time for that thing to blow again."
A change of universe was possible with the FnL9. Xrytspet said that the Inchkonval Universe was not made of antimatter so there should be no problems. The old FnL7 Time Craft just didn't have enough poop but in the new space craft we made it in what seemed like three days although time travel can be mind boggling.
The Olympics was held on the planet Vigisasgyle which was reserved for the Olympics. Only three grounds Gourmet Gift Basket lived their during the seventeen-earth-year time period betwixt the games. We found God sitting in the bleachers with some poor creatures all eating hot dogs. God saw us coming into the stands.
God: Oh, the Hack Writer! And you, Xrytspet! What trouble have you been getting into?
Xrytspet turned a hazy purple. She was Twiggy in trouble, especially with me.
Hack Writer: It's good to see you again, donate car to charity Honorable and Clever God. We have come to ask you a question of concern to us folks in Idaho.
God: Ah, ha! The McCain / Graham economics?
Hack Writer: Not at all. It is the same as the Bush administration economics. Whoever wins the election, Obama or McCain, the damage is already done. Our dollar is worthless. What I would like to know is when do you think the Yellowstone Super Volcano will blow again?
God: Ecomomics is not your strong suit, is it Taylor Jones the Hack Writer. As for the Yellowstone Super Volcano, not when you expect. You've been to Pompey.
I thought on the dread I experience at Pompey while sitting in the coliseum with Mount Vesuvius smoking away. I said, "Would Australia be good?"
God: It is at least in the right hemisphere of Earth. It would give you some time. Oh, did your astronauts ever go back to No Name Moon?
Xrytspet: Why would anyone want to go to No Name Moon twice? Such a desolate Hell Hole!
God: Still, it could be better than Earth.
I did not enjoy the Olympics!
Fly Old Glory!
John T. Jones, Ph.D. (tjbooks@hotmail.com), a retired college professor and business executive, Former editor of an international engineering magazine. To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate University go to his info site. If you desire a flagpole to Fly Old Glory, go to the business site.
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